Working On Ourselves and a Workbench

There probably isn’t a person you know who doesn’t long for an ideal world where everyone can agree and cooperate in peace, with respect for each other and a true sense of accomplishment in all they do. So when we learn about something like the Lemurian Philosophy and what’s being done by Lemurian students at Gateway, excitement mounts and we think “this is it!” And it is. Still, Lemurians are human, independent-thinking people, with habits of thought and action that don’t instantly mesh with others.

What we have is a common goal, a common guidebook, and a desire to blend with all who share that goal to build a better world. That takes some working on ourselves as we try our best to reach that point. It isn’t always smooth sailing but it’s  worth the effort, as our recent workbench project reminds us.

When the time came to abandon our old Lemurian Crafts shop and move into our new Main Shop, there was space for something new. Someone suggested building a workbench of our own design to suit the needs of the Crafts items we manufacture. Great idea! Sounds pretty simple, right?

One worker offered some design possibilities, others looked through woodworking magazines for ideas and came together on a plan that met our needs. By the time the wood was ready we had finalized our plan, divided into teams and worked out a rotation so each would spend time working with the others on this project. Everyone wanted this workbench, we set up a good schedule and we thought it should be a breeze to put together. But our first two sessions didn’t go too well. This was a new kind of project for many of us.

We were like a group of musicians who hadn’t practiced together, all playing off key and each with a different song!

We realized some working on ourselves would be needed before we could start on the bench. Someone suggested sitting down to talk. Another admitted it was hard to visualize what we were trying to build. So the team leaders went over the plans and answered questions, bringing comments like “Now I get it!” As we all talked about what we hoped to do, camaraderie grew. It’s fascinating to really listen to each other, focus on how to compromise and pull our seemingly disparate ideas into a cohesive plan. Instead of a power struggle, it’s a respectful meeting of minds.

Before long we were laughing and kidding. Each of us eagerly took one part and started to do what we could with it. We began shaping and integrating the individual pieces. When one had questions, he’d ask; when another had a suggestion, she spoke up. When a problem came up, we all stopped to study it and offer ideas.

When the day came to assemble our bench, it was all hands on deck! The result is a joy to behold and brought a sense of fulfillment that words can’t adequately describe. That void in our shop was filled with something far more special than even our custom made  workbench. And to this day, every time we walk into the shop and see it we feel that true Lemurian spirit that comes of working on ourselves.

Working On Ourselves (Plus a Workbench)
Lemurians Check Out the New Workbench

Lemurian Engineer’s Perspective

We learn the ropes of life by untying their knots – Toomes

If you’re looking for a good way to handle life’s problems (because we all have them), check out the Lemurian Philosophy. From an engineer’s perspective,  it has straightforward lessons to study and time-tested principles to apply in your life.

I recommend it to anyone because it’s helped me be a better person, especially in my relationships with others.

Lemurian Engineer's Perspective
The Philosophy teaches you how to use principles that really work

From an ex-Army,  businessman’s and  engineer’s perspective, I’m more about numbers than people. Numbers and physical laws are consistent, predictable, rational, and don’t yell back.  In comparison, people can be fuzzy, unreliable, even irritating.  On the other hand, numbers are not joyful, happy, or loving, but people can be.  Studying the Lemurian Philosophy helps me recognize and appreciate the priceless value of people I encounter, work with, and live with.

There is also a practical reward in addition to the enjoyment of others’ company.  As a husband, father, or manager in government agencies, using what I study in the Philosophy helps me work better with others.  Whether as subordinate or boss, I’ve been more successful in earning others’ trust and respect over time by using the Philosophy in difficult work situations and at home. It  helps me be more effective whether with an employee, company president, an aggressive driver, or the guy next door.

Here are a couple of everyday examples:

While on the road, I’ve caught myself getting irritated at other drivers. I think just about everyone does this. I’ve practiced just stopping thinking about the other drivers, and experienced a sense of peace.

Emotional reactions to a husband or wife are something every married person understands, and I’m no exception. I decided to temper my reactions by just accepting what my wife was saying. One morning when I found the door unlocked, I asked my wife if she’d gone out and forgotten to lock it. When she said no, at first I couldn’t believe it, but just accepted that I forgot to lock it and let it go. Rather than argue with her, I accepted what she said and felt a sense of peace. It was a new kind of connection that I haven’t felt before. It’s a terrific feeling that I don’t have the words to describe, except that it’s something anyone would want.

These solutions sound very easy until you try them. Actually, these successes are the result of many years of using the Lemurian Philosophy to work with myself. Countless self-help books offer hundreds of ideas of what to do to be happier. The Philosophy teaches you how to use time-tested principles that really work, and Lemurian Fellowship teachers are always there to guide you through the hard spots and help you keep improving your techniques.

I’m glad I decided to give it a try.