Advancement or Unfoldment?

Do you think of your spiritual progress as advancement or unfoldment?  All of us are born with an urge to advance – improve, progress. People naturally try to satisfy this drive in recognized physical ways – being the best at sports, smartest in school, most popular. The newest car, finest home, highest salary are common objectives.

These material accomplishments bring rewards and recognition in the world’s eyes. Progress is usually linear, toward a definite goal as athlete, musician, scientist or academic.

Spiritual advancement for truth students means progression to a higher stage of development. This purpose gradually assumes real importance for sincere Lemurian students. And a kindred term – unfoldment – is a holistic process equally inseparable from spiritual attainment.

Spell-Check flags unfoldment, but the dictionary says: to open out, expand, blossom, develop, evolve – so expressive of the gradual opening up that occurs as students embrace and use universal principles to enhance their lives and others’.

No rose, opening in the sun’s warmth, is lovelier than a man or woman beginning to unfurl the petals of ordinary life and stretch into their true potential.

Although the Fellowship safeguards student information as confidential, with her permission, we can share the journey of one Lemurian we will call Annie. Her life reflects few of the accepted signs of advancement or material success but was a triumph of unfoldment.

Born into the Depression, Annie shared only bits and pieces of a difficult childhood, saying that people then were sometimes as hard as the times, and for her, it was a period to get through rather than enjoy as part of a loving family. When she was eight, her mother died of tuberculosis and her father remarried. The new relatives seemed cool to Annie and her sister, who also suffered with TB, and their father was preoccupied with the sick girl. Annie, a small waif, roamed the neighborhood unsupervised, climbing the hills and developing her love of nature, animals and birds.

After high school, Annie got a job where she met a Lemurian who became an important influence. They stayed in touch for years during which Annie married and had her first child. Then came her most wrenching experience: the sudden death of her firstborn. In profound grief, Annie turned to her Lemurian friend, who drove to her home to comfort her and talk about life’s purpose as he knew it from his Lemurian training. This kindness, never forgotten, led to her enrolling with the Lemurian Fellowship.

After completing the Basic Course and Advanced Training, Annie earned a place in the Lemurian Order. Drawing on her artistic talents, she became deeply involved in Lemurian Crafts work, creating custom plaques popular with architects of upscale homes. Meanwhile she and her husband struggled with finances, schools not helping her daughter learn, a son who seemed to attract trouble.

Seeking greater purpose, Annie began working at the Lemurian Fellowship, developing unsuspected strengths. With a rare understanding of people, she became a Fellowship teacher, earning a position of high responsibility. For 30 years, Annie nurtured many Lemurian students, drawing on her sometimes bitter experiences to offer wise, compassionate advice as she moved forward with her personal advancement or unfoldment.

Advancement or Unfoldment?
“developing her love of nature, animals and birds”

Annie’s words to a grieving student seem a fitting memorial for her: “I know how personally devastated we are when a loved one leaves when her time is up. You know the hard problems she valiantly worked with during her life with courage and deep understanding of all she gained through her trials. May we all do as well.”

First School in Lemuria

Early in Dr. Stelle’s history of Lemuria, taken from the Akashic Record, Rhu Ku and Hut Dan bring their chosen mates, Haitee and Marda, to the Elders. There the girls are taught much that Hut and Rhu had learned from these wise ones. Meanwhile, Rhu and Hut leave to recruit Plains, Cave, and Forest Dwellers for the pioneering trip to the Great Plains.

After settling on the Plains, the leaders returned to the Elders’ Cave. As Rhu said, “We are going to need their advice, for we are starting something that is going to change the lives of all the tribes. If we can bring harmonious understanding among the three divisions of our tribe, why can’t it be expanded to all people?”

Entering the great cave of the Elders, the two young men could see many changes, and after they greeted Haitee and Marda, Rhu said, “It looks like this is about to be used as a meeting place.”

The girls explained that it would be the first school in Lemuria. “It is to be a place for teaching others many things the Elders have already taught you two.”

first school in Lemuria
The Elders’ cave would be the first school in Lemuria

Hut’s face lit up. “I think this will be the solution for everything, Rhu. If we could get the leaders of the three groups trained by the Elders, there’s almost no limit to what we could do!”

When the four met with the Elders, Lithargos and Hiroto continued their training as leaders of the new society:

“Only this morning were you discussing a fair distribution among your forming citizenry. Because we must, according to the Great Law, get as we give, those who contribute most shall receive the most, be that what it may – good or bad.

“There shall be no taking of women by force in the new order. Peace can come only when all things are accomplished by peaceful means. Let no man take from another without giving an equal return. Deny no man the opportunity to serve to the best of his ability, but put no man to a task beyond his ability to perform. Thus will come only satisfaction and real accomplishment.”

This advice and much more helped Rhu and Hut through many problems when they returned to the Plains.

For the simple people gathering there, life had always been a struggle for survival with Nature or against other people.

Through cooperation , they were finding a new way of life offering security and happiness they had never known.

News of this spread quickly through the Mu tribe, and soon Rhu and Hut had requests from individuals and families to join them. They could see these people believed they had found a good thing, and just wanted in on it. Even as they asked, they made specific demands. It was clear their hazy ideas and selfish motives would create conflicts and destroy the harmony the pioneer group had built, but how would they expand and grow unless they admitted new people?

Just then, an Elder arrived on the Plains. He listened patiently as Rhu and Hut explained their problem, and then replied:

“It is for this reason that I am here. The Elders have been instructed to begin training those who would join you. They will be taught to work together so they will fit into the group and cooperate in activities here on the Plains.”

So began the first school in Lemuria and on earth, a school for citizenship in the new civilization. And this work continues in the mission of the Lemurian Fellowship today…training Initiate-citizens for the civilization to come.

Conversations in My Head

If you’re like me, you’ve had times when you’ve gone to bed with a backlog of negative thoughts from disagreements over things that really don’t amount to much in the bigger scheme of things. But it seems so important to be right and have things go my way, and so begin the conversations in my head.

When I lose an argument with someone, I’ve always continued the discussion by myself. I don’t like to lose (does anyone?) so I just shut down and resent anyone’s disagreement. And if I take offense at something they do, they’d better watch out! Because in my head I start a conversation that truly devastates them.

How much energy is wasted in the torrid thinking attending our differences! It could almost solve the energy crisis if redirected.

Why is this? Is it just a reflection of self-importance, or how much influence I think my opinion should have on world events? What I have finally concluded is that all this mental insistence on how right I am, how I should be running the show, has exhausted me, even led me into the dark tunnel of depression. It wasn’t easy to make the connection and truly accept that hanging on to my way contributes absolutely nothing to a happy life.

I didn’t have to look far for proof of this. Not long ago, several of us were writing a report. If there’s one thing I’m proud of, it’s my writing, so it isn’t easy to accept all the changes others suggest on my drafts. I was feeling pretty good that I had been able to blend with them as I wrote my final draft. But then, I started to lose it. Suddenly, I was so angry at these “critics!” Typically, I didn’t say much, just stewed, but that night, I devastated them in my imagination! It was early morning before I could begin to recognize the good my friends had contributed and this calmed me down enough to sleep.

Finally, with many hints and much encouragement from my Lemurian Fellowship teachers, I started taking a closer look at my thinking and the cause and effect of it all. It took a long time, but I seem to be one who has to learn things through long, hard experience. All the energy I’d wasted seemed pitiful, but I wondered if instead of regret, I could redirect my focus to change.

From the very first Lemurian lesson, we learn about the transformative power of positive thinking. It’s taken a lot of time to relate my critical thoughts about others to the agonizing reactions in my own life, but at last it’s sinking in and I’ve made a start at overcoming this fault. Making the effort to see something good about the other person helps. When someone disagrees, I try to work it out by talking about what we differ on, or just let it go.

Despite setbacks, I feel a lot better now when I go to bed without that old familiar partner, the conversations in my head. Sleep better, too. If you go bed every night, or even now and then, with this same bed partner, I can commiserate. You have some hard work ahead, but it can be done and it will be well worth the effort!

First Building in Lemuria

The three-story building was complete, and no modern skyscraper was ever viewed by its builders with greater pride. The Sun Rises

Soon after the pioneer group of Mu Yan shepherds, fighters, and artisans reached the Great Plains, they were attacked by a band of Cari Yan Forest Dwellers. Though the Mu Yans beat back the attack,  this made defending the Plains their first priority and led to the first building in Lemuria. This event, taken from the Akashic Record, is from Robert Stelle’s book, The Sun Rises.

The group planned a protective wall where the trail onto the Plains was fifty feet wide, with a cliff on one side and the Hatamukulian River canyon on the other. Hut, one of the leaders, asked if instead of a wall, they could build a house attackers couldn’t climb over and defenders could shoot at them from the roof.

This was a startling idea for people who lived in temporary huts made of branches and grass. But Dargh said his Cave Dwellers could do it. They would make it 50 feet long to block the trail, and 30 feet wide, with an opening cattle could be driven through from the valley, closed by a stone door.

When the wall was five feet high, Dargh hit trouble. He had built only straight walls, and now realized building walls must be joined with corners. Tearing out the ends of the wall was hard because Dargh braced each stone with the next so it was impossible to shift any once in place. After several days of careful work, the first corner was turned. And when the wall was complete, the outer surface offered no hand or foothold for an attacker to use, and was watertight.

How to make a roof perplexed the Plains Dwellers. The only buildings they knew were made of interwoven branches, but they wanted permanent homes of stone. They made models of stone houses covered by a lattice of twigs, but when they covered the top with stones, it collapsed. The Cave Dwellers had a solution. They would make the roof of flat stone.

Rhu shook his head. “If we had the entire Mu tribe here, we could not lift and carry a stone big enough to cover this hut.” But Dargh was equal to this task. “Build stone piles (columns) from floor to roof,” he said. “Hold flat rocks for roof. Cave Dwellers cut small so can carry flat rock to roof and rest on stone piles.” These smaller flat rocks were cunningly joined to fit tight and not leak.

Not only was the building a success, but soon, two more stories were added above the first, with a great stone door, balanced on a central pivot, closing the eight-foot entrance. The building protected and sheltered the new settlers while family homes were built nearby on the Plains. Soon, the first families began streaming through the door with their herds of cattle, and earth’s first civilization was on its way.

First Building in Lemuria

Wood was not used for building in Lemuria. Since most tribes used groves of trees for their religious ceremonies, trees were venerated. And in the beginning, they had no tools for cutting wood into practical sizes. When the tools were invented, building with stone was firmly established. Great care was used in building structures that were practical, usable and durable.

And next to craftsmanship and utility came beauty. In the full flower of Lemuria’s glory, public buildings and even residences were decorated with designs of precious and semi-precious stones. Jade, onyx, marble, jasper, obsidian, quartz, and even emeralds and rubies were used.