Balance. Purpose. Enlightenment.


Even as a child, I knew that there were spiritual beings more advanced than us!

I long wondered how one could grow closer to more advanced spiritual beings, known as saints, Masters, or Elder Brothers as they like to be called. What might be the recipe we as humans could use to evolve to become more like them? Fortunately I found the right cookbook called the Lemurian Philosophy. It shows…

Posted on: June 17, 2022
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I Struck Gold When I Discovered the Lemurian Philosophy!

I had searched for many years for answers about success, solving my problems, and to the Big Questions: Why Are We Here? What’s Life Really All About? I’d read lots of religions and self-helps. But when I found the Lemurian Philosophy I knew I struck gold! Its spiritual laws based on love and goodness improved…

Posted on: June 2, 2022
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Distance is No Deterrent for this Lemurian Who Lives in England

While on holiday in Australia far from my home in England, I visited a bookstore and found information about Atlantis, reincarnation and more. But an even more intriguing discovery for me that day was the existence of the Lemurian Philosophy. Thus began my association with the Lemurian Fellowship in Ramona, California, which has continued for…

Posted on: April 8, 2022
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Why Reincarnation Makes Sense to Me

When I discovered the Lemurian Philosophy, its training material helped me become aware that God’s Plan for us is more far-reaching than just living life as a good person. With the help of my Lemurian Fellowship teachers, my eyes were opened to new concepts. One of these was reincarnation, and why it and using God’s…

Posted on: March 21, 2022
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How A Pamphlet Changed My Life

When I found the Lemurian Philosophy through an introductory pamphlet, my life was very busy with a full-time job and two young children. As I used what I learned about the mysteries of Universal Laws and Principles, more and more calmness, purpose and happiness gradually came into my life. I’m glad, too, to say that…

Posted on: March 21, 2022
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