The Mental Virtue Discrimination

Lemurians develop the mental virtue Discrimination to judge between what’s good and what’s better.

My daughter wanted to check out some colleges in California over spring break. She doesn’t like to fly, so driving was her preference. My husband couldn’t join us and I was nervous about the two of us traveling alone on a 30-hour drive. It also meant I would miss extra days of work, making the decision even more difficult. But this was a chance to work on the mental virtue discrimination. In the end, I decided to make it happen.

But a few days before we were to leave, my daughter broke out in the strangest-looking rash – unusual spots on her back and her arm. The doctor sent us home with some cream to rub on the rash, but even he was baffled. Now I was starting to feel anxious and worry thoughts took over:

What if the rash gets worse while we’re on the road? Wouldn’t it be better to be near our own doctor in case the rash intensified? What if we have car trouble? What if something comes up at work and I can’t take the call because we’re driving through an area with no cell phone coverage?

These must be signs that we aren’t supposed to go!

My daughter wasn’t worried at all. In fact she was one hundred percent confident we needed to take this trip. So opposite to what I was experiencing! So, whose gut feeling should we trust? It would have been much easier to call it off, chalking it up to my bad vibes. But I felt I owed it to my daughter to at least ponder the matter a little longer since she was feeling nothing but good vibes.

Trying to think this through, I had to admit that whenever new or uncharted experiences present themselves, I tend to react uneasily. Constructive concern serves an important purpose by sounding a silent alarm that can remind us to make the best choice we can. But my kind of worry was not constructive and not dependable to put my trust in. Realizing this helped me decide that my daughter’s feeling about the trip was probably more reliable. After all, even if the things I was worrying about happened, we could still deal with them.

So off we went!

mental virtue discrimination
The quality time with my daughter feels all the more precious now

That trip was one of the most joyful and memorable I’ve been on! And the quality time with my daughter feels all the more precious now that she’s away at college. There was no worsening of the rash, no car trouble, and no calls from work to detract from the wonderful time we spent together. Times like these make me all the more grateful for my Lemurian teachings.

Before becoming a Lemurian, I’m sure I wouldn’t have taken the necessary time and thought to decide which way to turn, but would have acted on my first cautious impulse. And not only would I have missed out on a beautiful experience, I would have passed up a valuable chance to learn more about myself and my tendencies so I can continue to grow and improve.

What Lemuria Knew

So many of our worries, problems, and troubles were unknown to Lemurians during their golden age.

With the help of Great Ones guiding them, ancient Lemurian Elders progressed from making crude pictures to alphabetical characters and soon learned to write. With the civilization’s rapid growth, they decided a record should be kept of every discovery and advancement. Under the Great Ones’ direction, the Thirteenth School was organized to preserve what Lemuria knew.

Here, every piece of literature, every perfected plan, superior examples of artists’ and craftsmen’s skill and working models of every invention throughout the fifty thousand years of Lemurian history were carefully preserved. The Thirteenth School kept every detail of the Empire’s progress in art, music, invention, scientific discovery and general knowledge. Every step in the operation of cosmic law as it affects human living, including the priceless teachings, opinions and directions given them by Greater Ones, was treasured and maintained here. All these records were studied, analyzed, and cross-indexed, further enhancing the knowledge of those selected to fulfill this responsibility.

With this amazing resource it isn’t surprising that the Empire grew so great and its inhabitants lived so well. We are justly proud of our own way of life today with all that science and technology makes possible for us. But imagine every home built with spacious bathing pools featuring vari-colored quartzes, filled with filtered, scented water. Or kitchens fitted with gem-studded, pure silver and gold fixtures. These noble metals were used because of their long-lasting qualities and resistance to corrosion, since everything in Mukulian times was built for permanence.

Today’s most advanced entertainment rooms are only now approaching those of Mukulian families who enjoyed music systems and a form of television as well as being able to see, hear, and talk naturally with their distant friends while seeing them in three-dimensional perspective as naturally as if in the same room. And this was more than thirty thousand years ago!

Surprising as its material progress was, what Lemuria knew about quality of life was light years ahead of us. They enjoyed a sense of purpose, happiness, and peace seldom experienced today, a form of universal security hard to describe because we have nothing generally known today that comes close.

what Lemuria know
They enjoyed a sense of purpose, happiness, and peace seldom experienced today

Such everyday intrusions and atrocities as bullying, identity theft, muggings, robbery, car-jackings, murder, rape, terrorism or road rage were unknown. For instance, from 40,000 BC to 28,000 BC, a period of 12,000 years, there was no record of theft in the Mukulian Empire. Compare that with the criminal records of any modern city for a single day!

Before the destruction of Mu, the priceless records concerning every discovery, invention, and improvement in living were taken to Asia where they have been guarded by what is now known as the Lemurian Mystery School. What Lemuria knew isn’t lost. And in the ages since, these Masters have continued to analyze the successes and failures of every civilization since Mu, from Atlantis, Egypt, and India to the present, to understand how and why cultures succeed or fail.

This wisdom will be released as soon as humanity has brought greed and intolerance under consistent control and people have proven they are ready to use it only for good. Its basics are available today through the Lemurian Philosophy which is once again being taught to those who are sincerely proving the validity of universal principles by using them to enhance their own lives and improve our world.

Power of Observation

 I have yet to develop many aspects of true observation and I hope this mundane example will help explain what I mean. I’ve always loved working on cars, and learned enough to find a job in an auto shop. I think I’m reasonably observant in this area, but a mechanic friend, James, has developed listening into a fine art and a great example of the power of observation.

A customer brought in a car that he said was making a “screeching noise” from the front every once in awhile, and left it for repair. James looked at it right away, figuring it might show the symptom more readily while it was warm. I started offering suggestions – a slipping belt, bad bearings, air conditioning clutch. As I talked he raised the hood and checked belt tightness, eliminating that. Then he started the engine and revved it up. I listened, but could tell nothing over the noise.

James got a stethoscope and listened at several points as he revved the engine. To my amazement, he turned off the engine and said it was a bad bearing in the air conditioning compressor. I asked him how he reached this conclusion so quickly and why he was so sure. He had me put my hands on the front fender where he had leaned over the engine and revved the motor again. After several tries I noticed a subtle vibration through the fender when the engine revs were falling, not rising. He gave me the stethoscope and had me listen again. I heard the air conditioner compressor make a different noise just as the vibration came on.

James had saved the customer the cost of a compressor and clutch, as only the front bearing needed to be replaced. I thought a lot about this demonstration of the power of observation.

James was always a step ahead of me at work. I put it down to his experience, but I was missing his power of observation!

I tend to use the shotgun approach to car repair, eliminating a range of problems one by one. This works, but takes lots more time. James was like a marksman with a laser-sighted rifle on the problem, his eyes, ears, and mind all engaged at once. Experience helped him, but he always quizzed his customers about their car problems thoroughly before he offered any solution, and sometimes not even then, while I jumped to conclusions that may or may not turn out to be related. It made me think about what more I might see if I listen.

[The Lemurian who wrote this story rightly attributes several important character traits to his mechanic friend. And he modestly downplays his own skills in comparison. We happen to know he is a very good mechanic in his own right, as well as a sought-after repairman, but the quality that really stands out in this story is his appreciation for another’s power of observation and willingness to learn from it.]

Lemuria’s Blue Messengers

Old legends of a Blue Race began with Lemuria’s Blue Messengers.

Early in the history of Mu, citizenship schools were set up in the tribal valleys. Some way of communicating between them and the Rhu Hut Plains was needed so they could keep up with fast-changing developments in the growing civilization. Since writing was unknown, messages had to be memorized, then spoken to the receiver. These messages were often long and complex, so the carrier had to be more intelligent than average to understand, remember, and repeat what he had been given.

The trip from the capital city of Hamukulia to any of the valley schools was dangerous and as far as thousands of miles. Most of the country was wild, rugged, unmapped and trailless, and all travel was by foot. It would have been easier to walk from what is now Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts to San Diego, California when America was first discovered than to go from Hamukulia to the school in the Levi Valley.

Even though there was more danger from animals at night, messengers usually traveled then because many people in the valleys were savage and there was less danger of being seen. The human sense of smell then was as sharp as that of animals. It had to be, because a man’s life depended on being able to smell an enemy, animal or human, when he couldn’t see or hear it.

Lemuria's Blue Messengers
They began to dye their bodies blue with certain berries and herbs

Since night travel was dangerous for the messengers, they began to dye their bodies blue with certain berries and herbs. These took away all traces of the human scent, and the blue stain made the messengers almost invisible in the dark starlit nights. Even when the moon was out they could melt into the shadows.

Because those chosen as messengers were highly intelligent with unusual powers of memory, concentration, physical stamina and endurance, this work was prized. To be a messenger was a great distinction, and each one wanted to raise sons to take over this honored and difficult task. After several generations, there was a peculiar change in these children. The skins of both boys and girls developed a bluish tinge and eventually they were born blue and kept this coloring all their lives.

Training for the honor of becoming a Blue Messenger began in infancy. This training, plus all that was learned from the messages they carried, enabled the Blue Messengers to make rapid mental and spiritual progress.

When Lemuria was at the peak of its glory, ambassadors to other countries were always selected from among Blue Messenger families. Almost every director or even assistant director of the Department of Communication was distinguished by his blue skin. Every Emperor depended on Lemuria’s Blue Messengers as ambassadors with the qualities of character and temperament needed to fill these positions. Thousands of years of training qualified them for these positions of great trust where sound judgment and unshakeable integrity were so essential. Distant people came to regard these respected dignitaries from the Motherland as representing what they believed was a blue race.

In time, written communication became common, and later inventions like our radio, television, and more advanced means of communication gradually took the place of physical messengers. But until the collapse of the Mukulian Empire, descendents of Lemuria’s  Blue People seldom married any but blue partners from other messenger families, protecting their hard-won distinction for thousands of years.