Lemurian Map Into Marriage

As I turned, nervous but purposefully to the person by my side, I knew a powerful and significant moment had arrived. I was about to commit to the culmination of a long-wished-for deep desire, fulfill a resolute goal, find the answer to a prayer. My Lemurian map into marriage had brought me to my wedding day!

What’s the big deal? you might ask. People get married all the time, and for every one of them, it’s special. What was so different for me? It’s that I had a Lemurian map into marriage to bring me to this happy conclusion, and Lemurian tools to constructively pursue this personal happiness and desire.

It wasn’t always this way. Not long ago I was rather despondent, devoid of confidence and unsure how to go forward. My previous relationships had irrevocably broken down. I felt anxious about my failures and wondered how I was ever going to move purposefully ahead. And it didn’t happen overnight.

But the miracle of life is that it’s an evolving process. Often the determining factor is just deciding how to forge ahead and then rediscovering that anchoring spring of exuberance and purpose that once was taken for granted. I was fortunate because here beside me was the Lemurian Philosophy to offer direction and the navigational tools I needed to place my feet firmly on that forward path.

I learned to change my thoughts and even my way of thinking, to believe in myself and gain confidence in projecting a positive aura of anticipated success.

With the Lemurian emphasis on quality and character development, I could discover the pleasing qualities and attributes I was looking for in another person if I did my part to earn this enlightenment. I knew I wanted to be with a kind person, so I went out of my way to be kind, and by working on this trait, attracted kindness into my life by the inevitable action of universal laws. Using these laws, I worked one by one on other characteristics important to me.

Another strong desire was to share leisure pursuits

Another strong desire was someone to share leisure pursuits such as walking and cycling, so I joined a walking club to open up practical channels to help me along. I wanted someone with spiritual values, and focused on attracting such a person into my life. It’s a little like intensely wanting a certain sports car. After awhile you spot the car at the turn of the road or sitting in a parking lot.

Over many months I moved ahead on an evolving and changing journey of thought and action, positively creating, developing myself to attract someone of similar attributes. How well I remember the day I met her as one of deep gratitude for being a Lemurian and having a Lemurian map into marriage. Now as I go forward, I feel blessed to continue working from my road map, evolving as I move into marriage and a life of beauty and purpose, one bright moment at a time.

Power of Thoughts – for Better or Worse

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After years of tranquility in my apartment, I thought I knew something about the power of thoughts to create the environment we want. But just then, I began to experience the insidious intrusion of fear and insecurity. Someone seemed intent on making trouble for me and the accusations were making my life miserable.

The trouble started with a call from the apartment manager complaining of noises from my apartment, day and night. He said it seemed to come from my high heels on my tile floor. Since I have neither high heels nor a tile floor, I thought this must be about a different apartment and would soon be resolved. But it wasn’t. The complaints continued and gradually, I began to feel, somehow, “If I’m accused, I must be guilty!”

This first link in a chain of negative thoughts imprisoned me in tightening bonds of fear.

I found myself analyzing my every sound and movement. I even asked my visitors not to talk too loud. At one point, I thought I had found the culprit: my typewriter! Its sound might be mistaken for high heels on the floor. But since I need to use my typewriter, I started looking for ways to muffle its sound. All this increased my stress.

It would have helped to know where the complaints were coming from, but the manager refused to identify the source. Soon enough, I came face to face with my accuser as I left the apartment to get my mail. She yelled insults at me while spewing out the same complaints the manager had related. From then on, she seemed to appear wherever I went. One night, awakened by loud noises, I opened my door to see what was going on, and there she stood, yelling at me again! I was alarmed enough to call security.

The manager tried to reassure me that the woman wasn’t dangerous. She had dementia and wandered into the corridors sometimes and they were watching her. I wasn’t reassured. The power of thoughts had me in its grip and I had become too afraid of what she might do next. It was almost unbearable to realize I had lost the wonderful feelings of security and wellbeing I had known for so long! How could this happen? Why did it? And what could I do about it?

Asking myself these questions reminded me of the power of thoughts for good or bad and my responsibility to control my thinking. And as I did, I began to see that my neighbor wasn’t really the problem. I had yielded to fear. I knew then that if I didn’t get a handle on my thinking, I would remain a prisoner of my own fears and imaginings.

So I concentrated on getting my fears in perspective while focusing on all the good in my life. As I began to think more constructively, my faith and confidence came back. I could even think more compassionately about this poor creature with her obsessive paranoia – her cross to bear – and how very much more fortunate I am. And soon after I began to regain control of my own mind, for whatever reason, the new neighbor moved away, and the tranquility I so treasured, returned.

What a testament to the power of thoughts!

The Sun Rises on a New World

Sunrise from the Lemurian Fellowship
Sunrise from the Lemurian Fellowship

“…from crude beginnings, there grew and prospered a civilization whose people enjoyed a serenity and peace of mind undreamed of today, a splendor and beauty of surroundings without equal.” – Epilogue, The Sun Rises

There’s a book most Lemurians have read countless times and many of us return to each year. It’s The Sun Rises, a sacred guide we turn to for inspiration and practical answers. You might call it our Sourcebook. It’s the true story of how the first civilization on this planet came together, and woven into its pages is the recipe of basic rules on how to create the next great society, when the sun rises on a new world.

Within this captivating story of the long-ago characters who began the first cooperative endeavor on earth can be found early pearls of wisdom that were later strung together into lessons comprising the Lemurian Philosophy.

Have you ever heard or read a story that moved you deeply and touched a resonating chord within you? One that rang so true that you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the words came from divine authority and you felt enveloped in truth guided only by loving justice for all? And that within its spell, you are safe and at peace with all about you? This is how I feel when I read one of my favorite chapters, Rhu and Hut Visit the Elders.

When you read it, you may feel that way too. Your heart may be filled with hope, enthusiasm and inspiration for the world. You may say to yourself, “I am in full agreement with the wisdom I have just read. It’s beautiful, and it would be the answer to the innermost prayer of every good person on earth. Who could disagree?”

But then, the old and deeply ingrained habit of negative thoughts and doubts may reassert itself and you sigh that the world is a mess, it seems it always has been and isn’t getting any better. “Most everyone would agree it is in need of real serious change, and I would gladly follow the plan revealed in The Sun Rises, but what about others? I can’t see them changing,” you may protest.

But I reply that, if you feel the world is out of control, that there is no way out and the future is bleak, doesn’t it seem obvious that continuing to do what comes naturally to most won’t bring us the happiness we all seek? So change we must, and change is possible if we start giving good thought to all we say and do, understanding that change won’t happen overnight. It takes courage to go against the majority, too. But we can. If each of us does our part, we can.

Seventy-eight thousand years ago, a small group of rough-hewn people, some of them hereditary enemies, joined together and begin what eventually became the greatest civilization the world has yet known. Admittedly, they had much help from more highly developed people. But they did it. And so can we. A successful start has already been made, and all we need are people of courage, sincerity, and goodwill to help us move forward. We invite you to join us as the sun rises on a new world!

Learning How to Improve

Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices. – Franklin

During our two years as Peace Corps teachers, the only Americans on a small island, Bob and I spent many evenings comparing notes and ideas, seeking refuge from the strangeness of our surroundings in each other’s companionship.

I thought I could listen, but finding a truly quiet person, I discovered just how much I could talk. And gradually, I realized I was trying to impress Bob with what I considered penetrating observations of our hosts, the islanders. But Bob said little.

Uncomfortable with this state of affairs, I asked him about it. He said as he listened, his own ideas were churning around. Often he didn’t feel a need to respond, but if he did, he wanted to organize his thoughts before airing them. This confirmed my suspicion that if I would wait a minute, Bob would say something. When I finally tried it, it worked. Our conversations became more engaging, and I enjoyed hearing what he had to say. That’s when I started learning how to improve.

Illness was a frequent unwelcome visitor on our island, where sanitation was rudimentary. I had several sick days. Bob, though, didn’t miss more than two days’ teaching in two years because of illness. And when the principal announced one of his impulsive holidays, I was often glad for a day off, but Bob’s classes went right on, five days a week. I had to conclude he kept himself healthier and had a stronger dedication to his teaching than I did.

Bob was a meticulous housekeeper, too, every can of food on his simple shelves neatly lined up with the label facing front. My approach was more relaxed, but I was learning how to improve and his example spurred me to greater efforts. Yet, this difference uncovered another less desirable aspect of my approach to life: I often compared Bob’s way of doing things with my own and I didn’t measure up so well. Why did I do this? Eventually I realized I was sharing my inadequacies to make him feel good, to seem humble, to show I could laugh at myself. But did it make him uncomfortable to hear me praising him and criticizing myself so often?

learning how to improve
I learned more about myself from our games of chess

I learned more about myself from our innumerable games of Scrabble and chess. I usually won at Scrabble, but lost at chess, the test of concentration and foresight. Naturally, I enjoyed Scrabble more and dreaded chess. After a while, surprisingly, Bob wanted to play more Scrabble in an effort to improve, though he often lost and got angry with himself. Watching him lose and fight his frustration made it easier to accept and work on my own feelings. I began wanting to play chess for the challenge rather than staying with the more secure Scrabble. After some agonizing losses, I began to see possibilities previously unimagined, and for the first time, chess became fun, because I was learning. And when I finally won, it felt like conquering an ogre.

I was deep in the study of the Lemurian Philosophy during this interesting interval in our lives, and I know this had a lot to do with my readiness to really LISTEN – to be learning how to improve, changing myself and trying to become a better person. I’m sure Bob never knew just how helpful he was to me in this project, but I’ll always be grateful for all I learned from him.

Search for Happiness (Robert D. Stelle)

Cease to worry. Worry is but a circle of inefficient thoughts whirling about a pivot of fear. – A Master


So universal is the search for happiness that those who wrote the Constitution of the United States of America wanted to guarantee us the right to pursue it.

Ever since we humans first grew conscious of our individual identities, we have felt this driving urge to seek an elusive something we call happiness. For the earliest people, satisfying personal needs seemed to offer it. But even with shelter and a full belly, the desire persisted. The companionship of others brings a fleeting glimpse of happiness, but we can’t hold onto it. We try amusements that trick the senses into feeling we have found happiness. We try various escapes, reaching momentary highs at the cost of our health, wealth, and wellbeing. But these lose their appeal, and we resume our eternal quest.

We still feel this unfulfilled longing, and gradually realize we don’t seem to have the power to attain happiness. Somehow, we have missed the key. Admitting we are not self-sufficient, we seek the help always provided for the sincere and humble. As Christ encouraged us, “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

We begin to think – really think – leading us to investigate higher truths. The constant and insistent search for happiness has been implanted within our innermost being, and this desire in the earliest human beings was our motivation to start moving toward the ultimate goal of all human existence – happiness.

Our time on earth is a means to an end, for the ultimate goal is happiness. Otherwise, heaven, either the Kingdom of God here on earth or the final attainment in a celestial realm, will be impossible. Because heaven means a place of perfect happiness where all will have learned to control themselves and their environment, molding them into the ideal the innermost self has been so eternally seeking. There is no reason we shouldn’t search for happiness here and now, even though it won’t be perfect until we are at one with God.

Our experiences are the stepping-stones to the wisdom and understanding essential to happiness, and it is possible to enjoy some of this as we pass through these experiences, if we remember they are essential to attaining true soul growth. But we make many experiences bitter because we fail to abide by God’s simple rules.

Essential to true happiness is banishing fear and worry. And since fear is a most powerful emotion, we must avoid it if we are to reach our goal. Can you picture serenity in an atmosphere of fear – of illness, of losing our job, of being in debt, of something bad happening? Having such fears is the surest way to bring them into our lives. Every time we feel this emotion, we may know we are not using some cosmic law, sacrificing happiness because of our ignorance.

What’s the cure? When you want to bring something into your life, concentrate on it. If you don’t want to be the victim of fear, cease to give it power by deliberately and positively using your God-given will power to think of something else! Something you really want in your life and environment. If your mind reverts to fear, train your mind, using the techniques described in the Lemurian lessons. Otherwise, fear will dominate and you will never fulfill the search for happiness.